Friday, August 28, 2009
An Update
I will still need to have some scans, to check the baby, but I feel confident that everything is just fine.
The kids are enjoying reading Mcguffey Readers right now. They are really helping some of our slower readers to get things moving. These are wonderful books.
We are looking forward to cooler weather, and being outside more!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Baby Things
And here is my newest baby. No, I didn't make this one, I bought her. This is Julia, she is a preemie resin baby.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Having a good day

Sunday, June 21, 2009
A New Blessing is on the Way!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Brady
Monday, June 15, 2009
Our Vacation!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Creating Lifelike Baby Dolls
I have dabbled in several types of dollmaking. Currently I create lifelike newborns, often referred to as "reborns". To me, they are an artistic model of one of the most precious things on earth!
Here is my latest baby...
You can view more photos of "Lilly" on ebay at this link:
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Library Day, Swimming, Swimsuits

Playing Boo with Mama...

Just being cute!

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Summer Clothes
It sure does feel nice to have my little ladies so excited about what Mama makes for them.

Get Behind Me Satan
Monday, May 18, 2009
Free DiGiorno Flatbread
and get a coupon for a free Flatbread Pizza! Hurry though,
this ends soon.
I have been visiting Crystals blog over at Money Saving Mom for
a while now. She always has freebies and good deals there.
I try to make things stretch as far as possible. I shop clearance,
frequent thrift shops, and make many, many things. I also
use coupons. To learn more about making your money stretch
visit Money Saving Mom!
Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009
My Place at Home
Some days I go upstairs to my studio and make dresses. Yes, I get to be that designer. After having Madison, the Lord taught me to sew. I am so thankful for that. It is such a joy to create beautiful things with my hands. My dresses have been sold all over the country. Sometimes bringing a profit. Although I enjoy that, I have to say that the greatest reward is using this ability to serve my family. The Lord knew I would use this skill over and over again. Sometimes to dress our own children, and sometimes to sell my goods afar.
I am a teacher. (Although, I am thoroughly convinced that I do much more learning than teaching.) Yes, we do reading, and writing, and math. But there is so much more in our days. Anything that becomes an interested to one of us, is taught. We not only learn it, we do it. Hands on, touching, it. We are learning to farm, and garden. To build, and cook. To manage finances, and run businesses. To help and encourage. To be self sufficient. To love the elderly. To love babies. To work on vehicles. To make almost everything we need. To make wise decisions. To trust the Lord. To sing, and play instruments. To be patient. To serve. To give. Yes, we are learning, more, and more everyday.
It breaks my heart to think of my children being in a building of strangers day in and day out, without Gary or I there to guide them, and help them. The years we have to mold them are so short and even now, I think of all the things I hope to teach them. I think of all the qualities, Lord willing, I hope to instill. I think of all the character traits I pray they have. I can't begin to imagine not having all the hours with them I do now, and being able to raise them to be capable young men and women, ready to serve the Lord in all things.
I feel so sorry for the mom's that are waking up only to rush out of their home. To drop their children off in daycare, and schools. Only to go to work for hours doing what someone else (not their husband) asks of them all day. They return home, to only do it again the next day.
I cannot imagine any other place I would rather be than in my home. God has placed me there, and I rejoice in that. I don't take for granted that all my needs are supplied, to do as I wish each day. Lord, help me to make the most of all of these things you have given me. To realize what a high calling I have here at home. To serve you with it all. To raise these children to be honoring to you. To equip them to do anything their life may require. Help me to see each day as it is, a gift from you with many, many possibilites.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Strawberry Picking

Monday, April 27, 2009
Our weekend
This weekend we hooked up our camper and took it to town. We went to Wal-mart and stocked up on non food things we were still needing to put in there. Next, was Aldi's, for food stocking. I think that now, officially, I have more food in the camper than in the house! I was amazed at how much fit in there. Gary wanted to have it full of things that wouldn't perish quickly. This is good for emergencies, and for the trips we have planned.
On Friday we are going camping for the first time, in our camper (well, the first time if you don't count staying in our backyard). There is a nice state park not too far from here, and we are spending a few days there. I will be sure to update with pictures from our trip when we get home. The kids are so excited, because we have been looking at these for a few years now. It has plenty of room inside, and I think having two separate bedrooms will make all the difference when we are in there for more than a day or two.
And here is Miss Marendy. Sitting at the counter, ready to go camp. The kids love the little stools that are in the kitchen. Mama thinks they are pretty neat too.
On our way home from town, our car is full of singing. We take turns choosing hymns to sing. I think this is some of the sweetest worship I have ever had. The Lord fills our car with his sweet spirit, as we sing of his goodness, and think on his grace. Even little Benjamin is singing now. He doesn't get the words quite yet, but I think the Lord is pleased.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The men in my life

I look at these and realize how gracious our Lord is. Benjamin shouldn't even be here. I had a tubal ligation after Marendy was born. Through the mercy of the Lord, it was reversed, and we conceived another blessing. I can't tell you how much joy this little boy brings to our family. He lights up the rooms here in our little home. His sweet face is a continued reminder to me. These precious little ones are on loan to us. We must be diligent in training them in the Lord. I pray that each of my children go on to serve Him in every aspect of their lives.
I think my job is the best in the world. I love being home with my children, and being able to put all of my efforts and energy into raising them. I hold tight the task of making my home a wonderful place, so that my husbands misses it greatly, and can't wait to walk back into those doors each evening.
Benjamin is growing so fast! He loves being outside now that the weather has warmed up. I let the children go in the front yard during the afternoons, while I sew. I watch them from my window upstairs. They love their little brother so much! They take the red wagon and give him rides all around the yard. He likes to pick up sticks and rocks, and play in the dirt! As such is boys... Notice the little scrape on his leg in his pictures?
He has two fine young men to help mold him. His big brothers are as different as night and day. I love that about them.
Baylen has patience, and can build most anything. He takes joy in all that the Lord created. Growing gardens, and tending animals. All the while with a song in his heart, offering it up to the Lord.
Brady has boldness, and is becoming a leader. He is fascinated with science, and can hold with the best in a creation debate. He is a God called preacher, and its quite evident, even at 13 years old, when he is behind the pulpit.
My handsome husband makes a mighty fine Daddy too. Watching him with our children makes my heart do flip flops. Well, that and his strong hands holding holding my littlest blessing. Have I told you I was blessed? I am, I really am.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sewing for my Girls
I have added to thier spring/summer clothes with 3 shirts each, and a cherry cullotte set each. We wear out our culottes quickly here. They love them for bed time, playing outside, riding bikes, and the nicer sets I let them go out in if there will be active things to do.
Seeing little girls look modest and feminie is so refreshing. It is improtant to me that they are comfortable though, and don't feel burdened by what they are wearing. What my husband thinks of their clothes takes top priority here as well. Gary likes seeing them in clothes that coordinate, and usually he has color and style preferences too. I always try to take the time to ask him his opinion of fabrics, and styles before I start a project. Sometimes our ideas are totally different from each other! He is so supportive of my sewing, and always makes sure to compliment me on what they wear. Yes, I am blessed. Sometimes it takes alot of effort, to be sure things are pleasing to him, but I think of how it would be the other way, with a husband that didn't care, or even notice what was on our children. I am so thankful that Gary is interested.
Friday, April 17, 2009
On our little farm
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Who lives in the House?

Gary, Misty, Brady 13, Baylen 12, Madison 9, Marendy 6, Benjamin 16 months.