I have added to thier spring/summer clothes with 3 shirts each, and a cherry cullotte set each. We wear out our culottes quickly here. They love them for bed time, playing outside, riding bikes, and the nicer sets I let them go out in if there will be active things to do.
Seeing little girls look modest and feminie is so refreshing. It is improtant to me that they are comfortable though, and don't feel burdened by what they are wearing. What my husband thinks of their clothes takes top priority here as well. Gary likes seeing them in clothes that coordinate, and usually he has color and style preferences too. I always try to take the time to ask him his opinion of fabrics, and styles before I start a project. Sometimes our ideas are totally different from each other! He is so supportive of my sewing, and always makes sure to compliment me on what they wear. Yes, I am blessed. Sometimes it takes alot of effort, to be sure things are pleasing to him, but I think of how it would be the other way, with a husband that didn't care, or even notice what was on our children. I am so thankful that Gary is interested.
Those are beautiful. It is a blessing for you to have Gary care what they wear! Absoulutely!
I just love the cherries! So very cute (of course, cute kids as well as cute clothes!)