I look at these and realize how gracious our Lord is. Benjamin shouldn't even be here. I had a tubal ligation after Marendy was born. Through the mercy of the Lord, it was reversed, and we conceived another blessing. I can't tell you how much joy this little boy brings to our family. He lights up the rooms here in our little home. His sweet face is a continued reminder to me. These precious little ones are on loan to us. We must be diligent in training them in the Lord. I pray that each of my children go on to serve Him in every aspect of their lives.
I think my job is the best in the world. I love being home with my children, and being able to put all of my efforts and energy into raising them. I hold tight the task of making my home a wonderful place, so that my husbands misses it greatly, and can't wait to walk back into those doors each evening.
Benjamin is growing so fast! He loves being outside now that the weather has warmed up. I let the children go in the front yard during the afternoons, while I sew. I watch them from my window upstairs. They love their little brother so much! They take the red wagon and give him rides all around the yard. He likes to pick up sticks and rocks, and play in the dirt! As such is boys... Notice the little scrape on his leg in his pictures?
He has two fine young men to help mold him. His big brothers are as different as night and day. I love that about them.
Baylen has patience, and can build most anything. He takes joy in all that the Lord created. Growing gardens, and tending animals. All the while with a song in his heart, offering it up to the Lord.
Brady has boldness, and is becoming a leader. He is fascinated with science, and can hold with the best in a creation debate. He is a God called preacher, and its quite evident, even at 13 years old, when he is behind the pulpit.
My handsome husband makes a mighty fine Daddy too. Watching him with our children makes my heart do flip flops. Well, that and his strong hands holding holding my littlest blessing. Have I told you I was blessed? I am, I really am.
Gary, Misty, Brady 13, Baylen 12, Madison 9, Marendy 6, Benjamin 16 months.