Monday, April 27, 2009

Our weekend

I love the weekends. Gary is home, and we are all together. All week long the children and I look forward to no more school work, and just being with Gary. We are usually out and about for much of the weekend. Sunday is church, and half the time we have services at the nursing home as well. Saturday we go out to eat, get groceries, etc. More often than not, Gary takes the little ones somewhere while I go in a store or two by myself. That is always so nice.

This weekend we hooked up our camper and took it to town. We went to Wal-mart and stocked up on non food things we were still needing to put in there. Next, was Aldi's, for food stocking. I think that now, officially, I have more food in the camper than in the house! I was amazed at how much fit in there. Gary wanted to have it full of things that wouldn't perish quickly. This is good for emergencies, and for the trips we have planned.

On Friday we are going camping for the first time, in our camper (well, the first time if you don't count staying in our backyard). There is a nice state park not too far from here, and we are spending a few days there. I will be sure to update with pictures from our trip when we get home. The kids are so excited, because we have been looking at these for a few years now. It has plenty of room inside, and I think having two separate bedrooms will make all the difference when we are in there for more than a day or two.

And here is Miss Marendy. Sitting at the counter, ready to go camp. The kids love the little stools that are in the kitchen. Mama thinks they are pretty neat too.

On our way home from town, our car is full of singing. We take turns choosing hymns to sing. I think this is some of the sweetest worship I have ever had. The Lord fills our car with his sweet spirit, as we sing of his goodness, and think on his grace. Even little Benjamin is singing now. He doesn't get the words quite yet, but I think the Lord is pleased.

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